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Standalone Cesium Timeline Widget

Has anyone taken the time to extract the timeline widget from the Cesium app? I'm looking to use the timeline widget without the Dojo dependency. I was able to find a teaser saying that it's possible, but the timeline example isn't the easiest to reverse engineer. Does anyone have an idea of how I can extract the necessary libraries and remove the Dojo dependency?

google groups timeline discussion

cesium timeline demo


  • The timeline itself (outside of that demo app) does not use Dojo. Here's a sample of how this works. You can Run this demo on Sandcastle.

    function onTimelineScrubfunction(e) {
      var clock = e.clock;
      clock.currentTime = e.timeJulian;
      clock.shouldAnimate = false;
    var timeControlsContainer = document.getElementById('timeControlsContainer');
    var clock = new Cesium.Clock();
    var clockViewModel = new Cesium.ClockViewModel(clock);
    var animationContainer = document.createElement('div');
    animationContainer.className = 'cesium-viewer-animationContainer';
    var animation = new Cesium.Animation(animationContainer, new Cesium.AnimationViewModel(clockViewModel));
    var timelineContainer = document.createElement('div');
    timelineContainer.className = 'cesium-viewer-timelineContainer';
    var timeline = new Cesium.Timeline(timelineContainer, clock);
    timeline.addEventListener('settime', onTimelineScrubfunction, false);
    timeline.zoomTo(clock.startTime, clock.stopTime);
    clockViewModel.shouldAnimate = true;
    window.setInterval(function() {
    }, 32);