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Multiple Dependency Properties

I'm currently working on a user control and stuck with the custom properties of the dependency object class IsEnabled gets recognized but not FooText


<ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Hidden" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Hidden" 
                   sc:TouchScrolling.IsEnabled = "true" 
                   Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1">

I need to set more properties on the sc:TouchScrolling element, but VS keeps complaining that it can't find the property.

TouchScrolling element inherits from Dependency Object

public class TouchScrolling : DependencyObject
        public bool IsEnabled
            get { return (bool)GetValue(IsEnabledProperty); }
            set { SetValue(IsEnabledProperty, value); }

public static readonly DependencyProperty IsEnabledProperty =
            DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("IsEnabled", typeof(bool), typeof(TouchScrolling), new UIPropertyMetadata(false, IsEnabledChanged));

//FooText is not recognized
  public string FooText
            get { return (string)GetValue(FooTextProperty); }
            set { SetValue(FooTextProperty, value); }


  • You seem to be missing the FooText DependencyProperty...

    public static readonly DependencyProperty FooTextProperty =
                DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("FooText", typeof(string), typeof(TouchScrolling), null);