I have read the model answer on unresolved externals and found it to be incredibly useful and have got it down to just these last two stubborn errors which are beyond me.
I've attached all the code just in case, if you would like to see the headers or anything else please say.
// Stokes theory calculations
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define ANSI
#include "../Allocation.h"
#define Main
#define Char char
#define Int int
#define Double double
#include "../Allocation.h"
#include "../Headers.h"
kH, skd, ckd, tkd, SU;
ss[6], t[6], C[6], D[6], E[6], e[6];
// Main program
int main(void)
int i, Read_data(void), iter, Iter_limit = 40;
double F(double), kd1, kd2, kFM, omega, delta, accuracy = 1.e-6, F1, F2, Fd;
void CDE(double), AB(void), Output(void);
Input1 = fopen("../Data.dat", "r");
strcpy(Convergence_file, "../Convergence.dat");
strcpy(Points_file, "../Points.dat");
monitor = stdout;
strcpy(Theory, "Stokes");
strcpy(Diagname, "../Catalogue.res");
z = dvector(0, 2 * n + 10);
Y = dvector(0, n);
B = dvector(0, n);
coeff = dvector(0, n);
Tanh = dvector(0, n);
monitor = stdout;
H = MaxH;
iff(Case, Wavelength)
kd = 2. * pi / L;
kH = kd * H;
// If period is specified, solve dispersion relation using secant method
// Until February 2015 the bisection method was used for this.
// I found that in an extreme case (large current) the bracketting
// of the solution was not correct, and the program failed,
// without printing out a proper error message.
iff(Case, Period)
fprintf(monitor, "\n# Period has been specified.\n# Now solving for L/d iteratively, printing to check convergence\n\n");
omega = 2 * pi / T;
// Fenton & McKee for initial estimate
kFM = omega*omega*pow(1 / tanh(pow(omega, 1.5)), (2. / 3.));
kd1 = kFM;
kd2 = kFM*1.01;
F2 = F(kd2);
for (iter = 1; iter <= Iter_limit; ++iter)
F1 = F(kd1);
Fd = (F2 - F1) / (kd2 - kd1);
delta = F1 / Fd;
kd2 = kd1;
kd1 = kd1 - delta;
fprintf(monitor, "%8.4f\n", 2 * pi / kd1);
if (fabs(delta / kd1) < accuracy) break;
F2 = F1;
if (iter >= Iter_limit)
printf("\n\nSecant for solution of wavenumber has not converged");
printf("\nContact John Fenton johndfenton@gmail.com");
kd = kd1;
kH = kd * H;
z[1] = kd;
z[2] = kH;
SU = 0.5*kH / pow(kd, 3);
printf("\n# Stokes-Ursell no.: %7.3f", SU);
if (SU > 0.5)
printf(" > 1/2. Results are unreliable");
printf(" < 1/2, Stokes theory should be valid");
e[1] = 0.5 * kH;
for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) e[i] = e[i - 1] * e[1];
// Calculate coefficients
z[7] = C[0] + e[2] * C[2] + e[4] * C[4]; // ubar
z[8] = -e[2] * D[2] - e[4] * D[4];
z[9] = 0.5 * C[0] * C[0] + e[2] * E[2] + e[4] * E[4];
if (Current_criterion == 1)
z[5] = Current*sqrt(kd);
z[4] = z[7] + z[5];
z[6] = z[4] + z[8] / kd - z[7];
if (Current_criterion == 2)
z[6] = Current*sqrt(kd);
z[4] = z[6] - z[8] / kd + z[7];
z[5] = z[4] - z[7];
iff(Case, Wavelength) z[3] = 2 * pi / z[4];
iff(Case, Period) z[3] = T * sqrt(kd);
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
Tanh[i] = tanh(i*z[1]);
// Output results and picture of wave
Solution = fopen("Solution.res", "w");
Elevation = fopen("Surface.res", "w");
Flowfield = fopen("Flowfield.res", "w");
printf("\nTouch key to continue "); getch();
I get these error messages:
LNK2019 unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl Output(void)" (?Output@@YAXXZ) referenced in function _main Stokes
LNK2019 unresolved external symbol "double * __cdecl dvector(long,long)" (?dvector@@YAPANJJ@Z) referenced in function _main Stokes
I have checked everything on the list given to try and find where these errors are coming from and have whittled it down to just these two left.
Things tried so far:
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Unresolved External Symbols means that your code can't find the definition of the method or class you're trying to use. This usually means one (or more) of several things has happened:
EDIT: I'll also corroborate what the others said in the original comment thread: make sure that the code that defines Output() and dvector() are being linked to by your code.
There's a few other options, but those are the big ones that happen most frequently.