I am pretty new to logstash and I have been trying to convert an existing log into a csv format using the logstash-output-csv plugin.
My input log string looks as follows which is a custom log written in our application.
'"00601654e51a15472-76":687358:<9>2015/08/18 21:06:56.05: comp/45 55% of memory in use: 2787115008 bytes (change of 0)'
I wrote a quick regex and added it to the patterns_dir using the grok plugin. My pattern is as follows :
IP_ADDRESS [0-9,.]+
CPU [0-9]
NUMBER [0-9]
DATE [0-9,/]+\s+[0-9]+[:]+[0-9]+[:]+[0-9,.]+
without adding any csv filters I was able to get this output.
"message" => ""00601654e51a15472-76":687358:<9>2015/08/18 21:06:56.05: comp/45 55% of memory in use: 2787115008 bytes (change of 0)",
"@version" => "1",
"@timestamp" => "2015-08-18T21:06:56.05Z",
"host" => "hostname",
"path" => "/usr/phd/raveesh/sample.log_20150819000609",
"tags" => [
[0] "_grokparsefailure"
This is my configuration in order to get the csv as an output
input {
file {
path => "/usr/phd/raveesh/temporary.log_20150819000609"
start_position => beginning
filter {
grok {
patterns_dir => "./patterns"
match =>["message", "%{IP_ADDRESS:ipaddress}/%{CPU:cpu}/%{NSFW:nsfw}<%{NUMBER:number}>%{DATE}:%{SPACE:space}%{COMPONENT_ID:componentId}%{SPACE:space}%{LOG_MESSAGE:logmessage}" ]
break_on_match => false
csv {
add_field =>{"ipaddress" => "%{ipaddress}" }
output {
# Print each event to stdout.
csv {
fields => ["ipaddress"]
path => "./logs/firmwareEvents.log"
stdout {
# Enabling 'rubydebug' codec on the stdout output will make logstash
# pretty-print the entire event as something similar to a JSON representation.
codec => rubydebug
The above configuration does not seem to give the output. I am trying only to print the ipaddress in a csv file but finally I need to print all the captured patterns in a csv file. so I need the output as follows :,cpu0,nsfw, ....
Could you please let me know the changes i need to make. ?
Thanks in advance
I fixed the regex as suggested using the tool http://grokconstructor.appspot.com/do/match#result
Now my regex filter looks as follows :
How do I capture the individual splits and save it as a csv ?
I finally resolved this using the File plugin . output {
file{ path => "./logs/sample.log" message_pattern =>"%{client},%{number}" } }
The csv tag in the filter section is for parsing the input and exploding the message to key/value pairs.
In your case you are already parsing the input with the grok, so I bet you don't need the csv filter.
But in the output we can see there is a gorkfailure
"message" => ""00601654e51a15472-76":687358:<9>2015/08/18 21:06:56.05: comp/45 55% of memory in use: 2787115008 bytes (change of 0)",
"@version" => "1",
"@timestamp" => "2015-08-18T21:06:56.05Z",
"host" => "hostname",
"path" => "/usr/phd/raveesh/sample.log_20150819000609",
"tags" => [
[0] "****_grokparsefailure****"
That means your grok expression cannot parse the input.
You should fix the expression according to your input and then the csv will output properly.
Checkout http://grokconstructor.appspot.com/do/match for some help
BTW, are you sure the patterns NSFW, CPU, COMPONENT_ID, ... are defined somewhere ?