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configuring the logstash-output-csv

I am pretty new to logstash and I have been trying to convert an existing log into a csv format using the logstash-output-csv plugin.

My input log string looks as follows which is a custom log written in our application.

'"00601654e51a15472-76":687358:<9>2015/08/18 21:06:56.05: comp/45 55% of memory in use:  2787115008 bytes (change of 0)'

I wrote a quick regex and added it to the patterns_dir using the grok plugin. My pattern is as follows :

IP_ADDRESS [0-9,.]+
CPU [0-9]
NUMBER [0-9]
DATE [0-9,/]+\s+[0-9]+[:]+[0-9]+[:]+[0-9,.]+

without adding any csv filters I was able to get this output.

       "message" => ""00601654e51a15472-76":687358:<9>2015/08/18 21:06:56.05: comp/45 55% of memory in use:  2787115008 bytes (change of 0)",
      "@version" => "1",
    "@timestamp" => "2015-08-18T21:06:56.05Z",
          "host" => "hostname",
          "path" => "/usr/phd/raveesh/sample.log_20150819000609",
          "tags" => [
        [0] "_grokparsefailure"

This is my configuration in order to get the csv as an output

input {
    file {
        path => "/usr/phd/raveesh/temporary.log_20150819000609"
        start_position => beginning

filter {
    grok {
        patterns_dir => "./patterns"
        match =>["message", "%{IP_ADDRESS:ipaddress}/%{CPU:cpu}/%{NSFW:nsfw}<%{NUMBER:number}>%{DATE}:%{SPACE:space}%{COMPONENT_ID:componentId}%{SPACE:space}%{LOG_MESSAGE:logmessage}" ]
        break_on_match => false
    csv {
        add_field =>{"ipaddress" => "%{ipaddress}" }

output {
  # Print each event to stdout.
  csv {
    fields => ["ipaddress"]
    path => "./logs/firmwareEvents.log"
  stdout {
    # Enabling 'rubydebug' codec on the stdout output will make logstash
    # pretty-print the entire event as something similar to a JSON representation.
    codec => rubydebug

The above configuration does not seem to give the output. I am trying only to print the ipaddress in a csv file but finally I need to print all the captured patterns in a csv file. so I need the output as follows :,cpu0,nsfw, ....

Could you please let me know the changes i need to make. ?

Thanks in advance


I fixed the regex as suggested using the tool

Now my regex filter looks as follows :


How do I capture the individual splits and save it as a csv ?



I finally resolved this using the File plugin . output {

file{ path => "./logs/sample.log" message_pattern =>"%{client},%{number}" } }


  • The csv tag in the filter section is for parsing the input and exploding the message to key/value pairs.

    In your case you are already parsing the input with the grok, so I bet you don't need the csv filter.

    But in the output we can see there is a gorkfailure

           "message" => ""00601654e51a15472-76":687358:<9>2015/08/18 21:06:56.05: comp/45 55% of memory in use:  2787115008 bytes (change of 0)",
          "@version" => "1",
        "@timestamp" => "2015-08-18T21:06:56.05Z",
              "host" => "hostname",
              "path" => "/usr/phd/raveesh/sample.log_20150819000609",
              "tags" => [
            [0] "****_grokparsefailure****"

    That means your grok expression cannot parse the input.

    You should fix the expression according to your input and then the csv will output properly.

    Checkout for some help

    BTW, are you sure the patterns NSFW, CPU, COMPONENT_ID, ... are defined somewhere ?
