Is it possible to get CreatedDateTime and Createdby for the security role added to the user through sql query
This is query used to get the Security role
select distinct as username , a.NAME Name, f.Text [Role]
from userinfo a (nolock) join securityuserrole b (nolock) on
join SECURITYUSERROLECONDITION c (nolock) on b.recid = c.securityuserrole
join [Dynamics_STG_model].[dbo].[ModelSecurityRole] e (nolock) on e.rolehandle = b.securityrole
join [Dynamics_STG_model].[dbo].[ModelElementLabel] f (nolock) on e.LABELID = f.LabelId and e.LABELMODULE = f.Module and f.Language='en_us'
Please help me regarding this. Thanks in Advance!
I figured out the answer by myself:
Declare @StartDate datetime
Declare @EndDate datetime
Set @StartDate = '2015-07-07 01:31:38.000'
Set @EndDate = '2015-08-21 01:14:14.000'
Set @StartDate = convert(datetime, dateadd(hour, 7, @StartDate), 100)
Set @EndDate = convert(datetime, dateadd(hour, 7, @EndDate), 100)
select distinct a.NAME [User Name]
,b.USERNAME [Role Modified By]
,convert(datetime, dateadd(hour, -7, b.CREATEDDATETIME), 100) [Modified DateTime]
,case b.LOGTYPE
when 0 then 'Added'
when 1 then 'Removed'
end as Status
,d.Text Role
from USERINFO a (nolock)
select (case when logtype = 0 then dbo.CONPEEK(CAST(dbo.CONPEEK(data, 16) AS varbinary(8000)), 2)
when logtype = 1 then dbo.CONPEEK(CAST(dbo.CONPEEK(data, 10) AS varbinary(8000)), 2)
end) AS UserNam
,(case when logtype = 0 then dbo.CONPEEK(CAST(dbo.CONPEEK(data, 15) AS varbinary(8000)), 2)
when logtype = 1 then dbo.CONPEEK(CAST(dbo.CONPEEK(data, 9) AS varbinary(8000)), 2)
end) as SecurityRole
from SYSDATABASELOG (nolock) where TABLE_=65492 and data !='') b
on = b.UserNam
left outer join [DynamicsAX_model].[dbo].[modelsecurityrole] c (nolock) on b.SecurityRole =c.rolehandle
join [modelelementlabel] d (nolock) on c.labelid = d.labelid
and c.LABELMODULE = d.module
and d.Language='en_us'
where b.CREATEDDATETIME >= @StartDate and b.CREATEDDATETIME <=@EndDate order by [Modified DateTime] desc
Conpeek and consize are two functions we need to create from the below link download ConPeek.sql and ConSize.sql