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To get the created datetime and created by for Security role assigned to user in AX 2012

Is it possible to get CreatedDateTime and Createdby for the security role added to the user through sql query

This is query used to get the Security role

select distinct as username , a.NAME Name, f.Text [Role] 
from userinfo a (nolock)  join securityuserrole b (nolock) on      
join SECURITYUSERROLECONDITION c (nolock) on b.recid = c.securityuserrole       
join  [Dynamics_STG_model].[dbo].[ModelSecurityRole] e (nolock) on e.rolehandle = b.securityrole        
join [Dynamics_STG_model].[dbo].[ModelElementLabel] f (nolock)  on e.LABELID = f.LabelId and e.LABELMODULE = f.Module and f.Language='en_us'

Please help me regarding this. Thanks in Advance!


  • I figured out the answer by myself:

    Declare @StartDate datetime 
    Declare @EndDate datetime 
    Set @StartDate = '2015-07-07 01:31:38.000' 
    Set @EndDate = '2015-08-21 01:14:14.000' 
    Set @StartDate = convert(datetime, dateadd(hour, 7, @StartDate), 100) 
    Set @EndDate = convert(datetime, dateadd(hour, 7, @EndDate), 100)
    select distinct a.NAME [User Name]
                   ,b.USERNAME [Role Modified By]
                   ,convert(datetime, dateadd(hour, -7, b.CREATEDDATETIME), 100) [Modified DateTime]
                   ,case b.LOGTYPE 
                       when 0 then 'Added'
                       when 1 then 'Removed' 
                    end as Status
                   ,d.Text Role 
    from USERINFO a (nolock) 
        select (case when logtype = 0 then dbo.CONPEEK(CAST(dbo.CONPEEK(data, 16) AS varbinary(8000)), 2)
                     when logtype = 1 then dbo.CONPEEK(CAST(dbo.CONPEEK(data, 10) AS varbinary(8000)), 2)           
                end) AS UserNam
               ,(case when logtype = 0 then dbo.CONPEEK(CAST(dbo.CONPEEK(data, 15) AS varbinary(8000)), 2)
                      when logtype = 1 then dbo.CONPEEK(CAST(dbo.CONPEEK(data, 9) AS varbinary(8000)), 2) 
                 end) as SecurityRole    
        from SYSDATABASELOG (nolock) where TABLE_=65492 and data !='')  b  
    on = b.UserNam 
    left outer join [DynamicsAX_model].[dbo].[modelsecurityrole] c (nolock) on b.SecurityRole =c.rolehandle 
    join [modelelementlabel] d (nolock) on c.labelid = d.labelid 
                                       and c.LABELMODULE = d.module 
                                       and d.Language='en_us' 
    where b.CREATEDDATETIME >= @StartDate and b.CREATEDDATETIME <=@EndDate order by [Modified DateTime] desc    

    Conpeek and consize are two functions we need to create from the below link download ConPeek.sql and ConSize.sql