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Sparql insert data not working

I'm a newbie to Sparql, but I am unable even to make a simple insert data query, or so it seems.

I'm using Apache Fuseki as working server; I'm in a graph, and I'm trying to make this query work:

PREFIX oa: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>

INSERT DATA{             
  [ a 
    oa:Annotation ;                    
    rdfs:label "Title";                    
  ] .                    

But it doesn't matter what I do, I keep getting this error:

Error 400: SPARQL Query: No 'query=' parameter

This is even a semplified code, I tried many queries even more complex, but the result doesn't change...


  • In SPARQL, query and update are different operations. In Fuseki, they reside on different endpoints (so query can be be more widely accessible than update).

    You are calling the query endpoint (.../query or .../sparql usually) ; you need to call the update (.../update).