I have a PARTITION table "TableA". I created a partition on column name "RecorDate" (DATE type). There are records from the last 6 months that I am not interested to save them, and I want to drop them.
Is there a simple way to drop a range vale OR specific partition number (or even a all range, for example '01-01-2014' to '01-01-2015').
something like in ORACLE, TRUNCATE TABLE WITH(PARTITION(x,y to z))
BTW I know the switch partition command, to move the range to another table and then exec the command
TRUNCATE WITH PARTITION will be available with SQL Server 2016
WITH ( PARTITIONS ( { | } [ , ...n ] ) )
Applies to: SQL Server (SQL Server 2016 Community Technology Preview 2 (CTP2) through current version). Specifies the partitions to truncate or from which all rows are removed. If the table is not partitioned, the WITH PARTITIONS argument
will generate an error. If the WITH PARTITIONS clause is not provided, the entire table will be truncated.
<partition_number_expression> can be specified in the following ways: Provide the number of a partition, for example: WITH (PARTITIONS (2)) Provide the partition numbers for several individual partitions separated by commas, for example: WITH (PARTITIONS (1, 5)) Provide both ranges and individual partitions, for example: WITH (PARTITIONS (2, 4, 6 TO 8)) <range> can be specified as partition numbers separated by the word TO, for example: WITH (PARTITIONS (6 TO 8))
TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.PartitionedTable WITH (PARTITIONS (2, 4, 6 TO 8))
SQL Server before 2016
Today you can use this:
As you note, there is a way to do this today by moving the partition to a second table through ALTER TABLE SWITCH and then TRUNCATE the second table. If both tables are part of the same filegroup, this should actually be a low-risk operation as no data is moved, we just update the metadata.