I have a git repo https://github.com/hounded/FPDFbundle
I have added it to packagist https://packagist.org/packages/hounded/fpdfbundle
You can see the composer.json at the git repo
"name" : "hounded/fpdfbundle",
"description" : "A pdf bundle",
"type" : "symfony-bundle",
"authors" : [{
"name" : "James Whiteman"
"keywords" : ["pdf bundle"],
"license" : ["MIT"],
"require" : {
"symfony/framework-bundle": "~2.3",
"sensio/framework-extra-bundle": "~3.0,>=3.0.2"
"autoload" : {
"psr-0" : {
"hounded\\FPDFBundle" : ""
"target-dir" : "hounded/FPDFBundle",
"extra" : {
"branch-alias" : {
"dev-master" : "0.1.x-dev"
"minimum-stability": "dev"
However when I run
composer require hounded/fpdfbundle
I get "could not find package hounded/fpdfbundle"
I would like to help the community but am stumped as to what I have done wrong
Your github repo contains no tags. When the github repo contains no tags, packageist sets "dev" as the default version for your package. Composer has some minimum stability criteria by which it will not install a package with version as "dev" unless you explicitely specify in the composer.json file. So, to fix this issue, add a version number tag to your github repo by using something like
git tag -a 1.0.0
and then push the changes to your public repo. Once you push, packageist will scan for changes and detect the version/tag and set it as the active version.