I have a Ractive component that includes within its template html a Bootstrap .collapse element. Calling show() and hide() on this will trigger Bootstrap show and hide transitions.
# the component template:
<div id='my_component>
<div class='collapse'>
some stuff to show or hide in here
# the component code:
template : "#component_template",
show : function(){
// call show() on the .collapse element within the rendered template
// but how to get a reference on that element?
hide : function(){
// call hide() on the .collapse element within the rendered template
// but how to get a reference on that element?
How can I get a reference in the javascript to the collapse element? this.el seems to refer to the root (component's parent) and not the component's view fragment.
thanks in advance
is what you're looking for:
template : "#component_template",
show : function(){
hide : function(){