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Ractive component: how to get a reference for its DOM?

I have a Ractive component that includes within its template html a Bootstrap .collapse element. Calling show() and hide() on this will trigger Bootstrap show and hide transitions.

# the component template:
  <div id='my_component>
    <div class='collapse'>
        some stuff to show or hide in here

# the component code:

  template : "#component_template",
  show : function(){
    // call show() on the .collapse element within the rendered template
    // but how to get a reference on that element?
  hide : function(){
    // call hide() on the .collapse element within the rendered template
    // but how to get a reference on that element?

How can I get a reference in the javascript to the collapse element? this.el seems to refer to the root (component's parent) and not the component's view fragment.

thanks in advance


  • ractive.find(querySelector) is what you're looking for:

      template : "#component_template",
      show : function(){
      hide : function(){