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Firebase Angularfire and Angular-nvD3

I used firebase as a backend data store. the front end is Angular. I try to draw chart by Angular-nvD3.js. when I try to read the data from firebase it is take time. So, the array come empty Array[]. Then the data come but no update to the chart.


  • You're running map() on the empty array, but not again after the data arrives. Add a $watch for your incoming data, so you can process it into x,y coordinates (firebase may have a better method for processing incoming data, I'm not familiar with it).

    $scope.$watchCollection('newValues', function(newValues, oldValues){
      angular.forEach(newValues, function(value, index){
        if(!(x in value)){
          newValues[index] = {x: value[0], y: value[1]};

    Also, don't use map at all in this case, it's actually replacing the firebase array in $ with a new instance of a regular array.