I have an Expression<Func<Entity, string>>
that can be either a property or a nested property accessor
y => y.SearchColumn
y => y.SubItem.SubColumn
I am building up an expression tree dynamically and would like to get an InvokeExpression like this
x => x.SearchColumn.Contains("foo");
x => x.Sub.SearchColumn.Contains("foo");
I'm pretty sure I can unwrap the Expression body, then partially apply the x ParameterExpression
to it but I can't figure out the magical incantations to make this happen
So I have something like
Expression<Func<Entity, string>> createContains(Expression<Func<Entity, string>> accessor) {
var stringContains = typeof(String).GetMethod("Contains", new [] { typeof(String) });
var pe = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "__x4326");
return Expression.Lambda<Func<Entity, bool>>(
curryExpression(accessor.Body, pe),
, pe
static Expression curryExpression(Expression from, ParameterExpression parameter) {
// this doesn't handle the sub-property scenario
return Expression.Property(parameter, ((MemberExpression) from).Member.Name);
//I thought this would work but it does not
//return Expression.Lambda<Func<Entity,string>>(from, parameter).Body;
Edit: Here is the full thing I'm trying to do along with the error
You need to do two things - first one you can use the same accessor.Body
, but it will reference to incorrect Parameter, as you created a new one. Second one you need to write custom ExpressionVisitor
that will replace all usage of original y
to a new created, so result expression will be compiled fine.
If you don't need to create new ParameterExpression
, then you can just use the same accessor.Body
and resent original ParameterExpression
to a new tree.
So here is my test working copy with a new ParameterExpression
- https://dotnetfiddle.net/uuPVAl
And the code itself
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Expression<Func<Entity, string>> parent = (y) => y.SearchColumn;
Expression<Func<Entity, string>> sub = (y) => y.Sub.SearchColumn;
var result = Wrap(parent);
result = Wrap(sub);
result = Wrap<Entity>((y) => y.Sub.Sub.Sub.SearchColumn);
private static Expression<Func<T, bool>> Wrap<T>(Expression<Func<T, string>> accessor)
var stringContains = typeof (String).GetMethod("Contains", new[] {typeof (String)});
var pe = Expression.Parameter(typeof (T), "__x4326");
var newBody = new ParameterReplacer(pe).Visit(accessor.Body);
var call = Expression.Call(
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(call, pe);
public class ParameterReplacer : ExpressionVisitor
private ParameterExpression _target;
public ParameterReplacer(ParameterExpression target)
_target = target;
protected override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression node)
// here we are replacing original to a new one
return _target;
public class Entity
public string SearchColumn { get; set; }
public Entity Sub { get; set; }
PS: this example will work only if you have only one ParameterExpression
in original query, otherwise visitor should differentiate them
Here is my working answer with your full example in update - https://dotnetfiddle.net/MXP7wE