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Solidworks EPDM API IEdmEnumeratorVariable5::SetVar not working as expected

I'm trying to use IEdmEnumeratorVariable5::SetVar to update some file card variables based on user input into a windows form. My code executes, there are no error messages, the file is checked out and checked back in and the appropriate comment is added to the history; however the variables on the card are not updated.

I have verified by stepping through code at runtime that all variables are populated with the correct (as expected) data. The SetVar procedures all go off without a hitch, but the variables on the data card do not change value - even manually refreshing the folder view has no effect.

Below is my code.

This is an add-in application, written as a class-library project in VB using VS Community 2015, with target framework .NET 4.0.

In efforts to make this question more concise; immediately below I've included just the snippet of code doing the set variables work, then I've also included more code so you can get the whole picture if needed.


This is the code doing the set variables work:

Dim UserManager As IEdmUserMgr5 = .SourceVault
Dim User As IEdmUser5 = UserManager.GetLoggedInUser

CardComment = UserComment & CardComment
CardDate = Today().ToString("yyMMdd", Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
CardBy = User.Name
CardDisposition = UserDisposition

CardVariables.SetVar(DispositionVariable, "@", CardDisposition)
CardVariables.SetVar(CommentVariable, "@", CardComment)
CardVariables.SetVar(ByVariable, "@", CardBy)
CardVariables.SetVar(DateVariable, "@", CardDate)


Class module level variables:

Private Structure CommandInfo
    Dim SourceVault As IEdmVault11
    Dim SourceCommand As EdmCmd
    Dim SourceSelection As System.Array
    Dim TargetTemplate As System.String
    Dim VerifiedPaths As List(Of String)
End Structure

Private ReceivedCommand As CommandInfo

OnCmd procedure (caller):

Public Sub OnCmd(ByRef poCmd As EdmCmd,
                 ByRef ppoData As System.Array) Implements IEdmAddIn5.OnCmd

    Dim CommandToRun As MenuCommand


        With ReceivedCommand
            .SourceVault = poCmd.mpoVault
            .SourceCommand = poCmd
            .SourceSelection = ppoData

            'Get the command structure for the command ID
            Select Case poCmd.meCmdType

                Case EdmCmdType.EdmCmd_Menu
                    CommandToRun = AvailableCommands(.SourceCommand.mlCmdID)

                Case EdmCmdType.EdmCmd_CardButton
                    Select Case True
                        Case poCmd.mbsComment.ToString.ToUpper.Contains("DISPOSITION")
                        Case Else : Exit Sub
                    End Select

                Case Else : Exit Sub
            End Select
    '...... (End Try, End Sub, Etc.)

DispositionRequest procedure (callee):

Private Sub DispositionRequest()

    Dim UserDisposition As String

    Using Disposition As New DispositionForm
        With Disposition
            If Not .ShowDialog() = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then Exit Sub
            Select Case True

                Case .Approve.Checked
                    UserDisposition = "Approved"

                Case .Reject.Checked
                    UserDisposition = "Rejected"

                Case Else : Exit Sub

            End Select
        End With
    End Using

    Dim UserComment As String

    Using Explanation As New DispositionExplanation
        With Explanation

            If Not .ShowDialog() = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then Exit Sub

            If .ListView1.Items.Count > 0 Then
                 'do some stuff not relevant to this question...
            End If

            UserComment = .Comments.Text

        End With
    End Using

    'This next procedure just gets a list of paths from ReceivedCommand.SourceSelection  - which is just the ppoData argument from the OnCmd procedure - see code block above!
    Dim RequestPaths As List(Of String) = GetSelectedFilePaths()

    For Each Path As String In RequestPaths
        With ReceivedCommand
            Dim RequestFile As IEdmFile5 = .SourceVault.GetFileFromPath(Path)
            Dim ParentFolder As IEdmFolder6 = .SourceVault.GetFolderFromPath(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Path))
            Dim UnlockLater As Boolean = False

            If Not RequestFile.IsLocked Then
                UnlockLater = True
                RequestFile.LockFile(ParentFolder.ID, .SourceCommand.mlParentWnd, CInt(EdmLockFlag.EdmLock_Simple))
            End If

            Dim CardVariables As IEdmEnumeratorVariable5 = RequestFile.GetEnumeratorVariable

            'We allow users to re-disposition a request so we want to keep any previous disposition information so it is not lost
            Dim CardComment As String = String.Empty
            Dim CardBy As String = String.Empty
            Dim CardDate As String = String.Empty
            Dim CardDisposition As String = String.Empty
            Dim Success As Boolean

            Const CommentVariable As String = "DispComm"
            Const ByVariable As String = "DisposedBy"
            Const DateVariable As String = "DisposedDate"
            Const DispositionVariable As String = "Disposition"

            Success = CardVariables.GetVar(DispositionVariable, "@", CardDisposition)

            If Success Then
                Success = CardVariables.GetVar(CommentVariable, "@", CardComment)
                If Success Then Success = CardVariables.GetVar(ByVariable, "@", CardBy)
                If Success Then Success = CardVariables.GetVar(DateVariable, "@", CardDate)
                If Success Then CardComment = "Previously dispositioned as: """ & CardDisposition & """ by: " & CardBy & " on: " & CardDate & vbNewLine &
                                                 "---------Previous disposition explanation---------" & vbNewLine & CardComment
            End If

            Dim UserManager As IEdmUserMgr5 = .SourceVault
            Dim User As IEdmUser5 = UserManager.GetLoggedInUser

            CardComment = UserComment & CardComment
            CardDate = Today().ToString("yyMMdd", Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
            CardBy = User.Name
            CardDisposition = UserDisposition

            CardVariables.SetVar(DispositionVariable, "@", CardDisposition)
            CardVariables.SetVar(CommentVariable, "@", CardComment)
            CardVariables.SetVar(ByVariable, "@", CardBy)
            CardVariables.SetVar(DateVariable, "@", CardDate)

            If UnlockLater Then RequestFile.UnlockFile(lParentWnd:= .SourceCommand.mlParentWnd,
                                                        bsComment:="Dispositioned as " & CardDisposition,
        End With

End Sub


  • From the documentation:

    bsCfgName : Name of configuration or layout to which to store the variable value; empty string for folders and file types that do not support configurations

    I was working with a virtual file, which did not support configurations. I saw a C example working with a virtual file and they were passing null references, so I reread the documentation and saw that excerpt above, so I changed my code from "@" to String.Empty for the mboconfiguration argument and now it is working!

    CardVariables.SetVar(DispositionVariable, String.Empty, CardDisposition)
    CardVariables.SetVar(CommentVariable, String.Empty, CardComment)
    CardVariables.SetVar(ByVariable, String.Empty, CardBy)
    CardVariables.SetVar(DateVariable, String.Empty, CardDate)