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Compose functions with function operators does not work as expected

In the following example I created the add_timing function operator. The input is a function (say mean) and it returns a function that does the same as mean, but reports on how long it took for the function to complete. See the following example:


add_timing = function(input_function, specific_info) {
  if (missing(specific_info)) specific_info = function(l) 'That'
  function(...) {
    relevant_value = specific_info(list(...))
    start_time = Sys.time()
    res = input_function(...)
    cat(sprintf('%s took', relevant_value), difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = 'secs'), 'sec', '\n')
timed_mean = add_timing(mean)
# > timed_mean(runif(10000000))
# That took 0.4284899 sec 
# [1] 0.4999762

Next I tried to use pryr::compose to create the same timed_mean function (I like the syntax):

timed_mean_composed = pryr::compose(add_timing, mean)

But this does get me the required output:

# > timed_mean_composed(runif(100))
# function(...) {
#        relevant_value = specific_info(list(...))
#        start_time = Sys.time()
#        res = input_function(...)
#        cat(sprintf('%s took', relevant_value), difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = 'secs'), 'sec', '\n')
#        res
#      }

It seems that the compose operation does not lead to the add_timing function actually being executed. Only after calling the function, the new timed_mean_compose actually shows the correct function output.

Based on the following example from Advanced R by @HadleyWickham I expected this to work as I used it (see below for an excerpt):

dot_every <- function(n, f) {
  i <- 1
  function(...) {
    if (i %% n == 0) cat(".")
    i <<- i + 1
download <- pryr::compose(
  partial(dot_every, 10),
  partial(delay_by, 1),

Where the dot_every function operator is used in the same way I use add_timing above.

What am I missing?


  • The difference is that in your first attempt, you are calling


    and with the compose syntax you are calling something more similar to


    These are not exactly equivalent. Actually, the pryr compose function is really expanding the syntax to something more like

    x <- runif(1e7)
    x <- mean(x)
    x <- add_timing(x)

    Maybe looking at this will help

    a <- function(x) {print(paste("a:", x));x}
    b <- function(x) {print(paste("b:", x));x}
    x <- pryr::compose(a,b)(print("c"))
    # [1] "c"
    # [1] "b: c"
    # [1] "a: c"

    Notice how a isn't called until after b. This means that a would have no way to time b. compose would not be an appropriate way to create a timer wrapper.