I found something that I can't explain why symfony behaves like this. I created several bundles to brake down the funktionality of my script to modules. Everything works fine so far. Today I deployed it for the first time to an staging environment. I executed
php app/console assetic:dump
without any issues. I then executes
php app/console assets:install web
but it didn't create symlinks for my own bundles. (Own my dev system they are there).
Here's the output:
php app/console assets:install
Installing assets as hard copies.
Installing assets for Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle into web/bundles/framework
Installing assets for Stfalcon\Bundle\TinymceBundle into web/bundles/stfalcontinymce
Installing assets for JMS\JobQueueBundle into web/bundles/jmsjobqueue
None of my bundles appear here. I am wondering how I can enable this, because I need to push also several images that belong to bundles with it.
I created the bundles using
php app/console generate:bundle
and controller skeletons
php app/console generate:controller
I did not modify any of the structure. (I am using anotation in the controller files and yml as config files) What am I missing? Didn't really have any look on searching in google as I don't really know where the problems are coming from. Or is it even an problem? Are there any folders missing?
Your bundles need to be added into
assetic expects your files in
(I found this answer before a while, maybe it can be usefull to you to..)