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How to add another bulk operation?

Jira allows to add web fragments on different locations.

I'd like to write a plugin that adds another bulk operation but can neither find a location (if this done via a web fragement at all) nor a hint in the Jira Plugin Module Types how to add such an operation. From existing plugins (e.g. exporter) I got the impression that there must be a way.

Any help appreciated. Thanks.


  • It is possible to do it, here is what I did:

    I extended AbstractBulkOperation class and used approach with EventListener to add this operation in afterPropertiesSet like this:

    ComponentAccessor.getBulkOperationManager().addBulkOperation(MyOperationClass.NAME_KEY, MyOperationClass.class);

    You need to implement canPerform, perform (the actual operation), getOperationName, getCannotPerformMessageKey, getNameKey, getDescriptionKey

    I extended AbstractBulkOperationDetailsAction, but BulkEditBeanSessionHelper couldn't be autowired so I introduced protected constructor and got it there:

    protected MyActionClass()
    super(null, ComponentManager.getComponentInstanceOfType(BulkEditBeanSessionHelper.class));
    genericBulkWatchOperation = ComponentAccessor.getBulkOperationManager().getOperation(NAME_KEY);

    You need to implement getOperationDetailsActionName, doDetails,doDetailsValidation, doPerform methods in this class.

    I created Webwork element in atlassian-plugin.xml, something like this:

    <webwork1 key="key" name="name" class="java.lang.Object">
    <action name="path to action class" alias="Action">
    <command name="details" alias="ActionDetails">
    <view name="success">/secure/views/bulkedit/bulkchooseoperation.jsp</view>
    <view name="input">/secure/views/bulkedit/bulkActiondetails.jsp</view>
    <view name="error">/secure/views/bulkedit/bulkchooseoperation.jsp</view>
    <command name="detailsValidation" alias="ActionDetailsValidation">
    <view name="input">/secure/views/bulkedit/bulkActionconfirmation.jsp</view>
    <view name="error">/secure/views/bulkedit/bulkActionconfirmation.jsp</view>
    <command name="perform" alias="ActionPerform">
    <view name="error">/secure/views/bulkedit/bulkActionerror.jsp</view>

    JSP files cannot be embedded in plugin, I deployed them to /secure/views/bulkedit

    To wrap it up - you need 3 classes (Operation, Action and EventListener), webwork definition in atlassian-plugin.xml and Event Listener definition also in atlassian-plugin.xml. Then you need JSP files. You can take existing ones and use them as an example. Basically I took WatchIssue operation files and did it analogically.

    I strongly suggest to take a look at JIRA code to see how they do it.