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<s:url> namespace attribute in Struts2

My Code is:

<s:url action="work-items_input" includeParams="get" var="wiLink"  namespace="">
    <s:param name="workItemVO.workItemId" value="'5'"></s:param>
<s:a action="%{wiLink}" namespace="/myaccount"><s:property value="subject"/></s:a>

In my application's ContextRoot is "pmp". Here above is generating link as


above we can see context path is coming twice. /pmp//pmp... this is wrong. How to remove one extra context path?


  • Remove the action and namespace attributes from the <s:a> tag, and use instead the <s:url>'s one with the href attribute:

    <s:url action="work-items_input" includeParams="get" var="wiLink"  namespace="/myaccount">
        <s:param name="workItemVO.workItemId" value="'5'"></s:param>
    <s:a href="%{wiLink}"><s:property value="subject"/></s:a>

    That should be enough.