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Q&A - How to get the name of Property / Function / Action / Method (of an Interface or Class), in a strongly type way?

Problem description

Assuming you have an interface / class, and wish to get a Property/Func/Action name, how and what is the best practice to do so?

e.g. given:

public interface IConvertible
    // ...
    bool ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider);
    // ...

How to get the name of 'ToBoolean' method, in a strongly-typed way?

Also, how to get the property name of IsValueCreated from



When you'll do reflection on an interface [method / property / etc], the compiler will help you find all references to it.


  • For .Net 5 and above: use nameof (credits to m-kazem-akhgary)

    For .Net 4.5v and below:

    using System;
    using System.Linq.Expressions;
    using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
    using System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies;
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
    using LazyHelper = DotNetSandbox.InterfaceNames<System.Lazy<object>>;
    namespace DotNetSandbox
        // Use case / Example:
        public class InterfaceNamesTests
            public void InterfaceNamesTest()
                // Option 1 - Not strongly typed
                string nameA = typeof(IConvertible).GetMethod("ToBoolean").Name;
                Console.WriteLine(nameA);    // OUTPUT: ToBoolean
                string nameB = typeof(Lazy<object>).GetProperty("IsValueCreated").Name;
                Console.WriteLine(nameB);    // OUTPUT: ToBoolean
                // *** Option 2 ***************
                Console.WriteLine("Option 2 - Strongly typed way:");
                IConvertible @interface = InterfaceNames<IConvertible>.Create();
                Func<IFormatProvider, bool> func = @interface.ToBoolean;
                string name1 = func.Method.Name;
                Console.WriteLine(name1);   // OUTPUT: ToBoolean
                string propName = InterfaceNames<Lazy<object>>.GetPropertyName(i => i.IsValueCreated);
                Console.WriteLine(propName);   // OUTPUT: IsValueCreated
                //OR (For short version - declare alias using, see using region..)
                string propName2 = LazyHelper.GetPropertyName(i => i.IsValueCreated);
                Console.WriteLine(propName2);   // OUTPUT: IsValueCreated
                // Other options results with complex/unclear code.
        // Helper class
        public class InterfaceNames<T> : RealProxy
            private InterfaceNames() : base(typeof(T)) { }
            public static T Create()
                return (T)new InterfaceNames<T>().GetTransparentProxy();
            public override IMessage Invoke(IMessage msg)
                return null;
            public static string GetName(Delegate d)
                return d.Method.Name;
            public static string GetPropertyName<TProp>(Expression<Func<T, TProp>> prop)
                // Credits to p-s-w-g
                var body = prop.Body as MemberExpression;
                return body == null ? null : body.Member.Name;


    Waiting for your input / suggestions / insights...