Hey Guys i need help with my functional test, i want to be able to use variable in the findCssSeclector.I use a array called Persona, it should read out the countrycode put in the variable and than in the intern function. But it doesnt work, has somebody a idea?
This working fine:
this not
.findByCssSelector('select#billingAddress\\.country > option:nth-child(countrycode)')
Thanks for help.
], function (RegistrationPage, assert, require, intern, personas, fs) {
var heute = new Date();
var RegistrationPage;
RegistrationPage = {
DE: function (session, csv) {
var persona = personas[csv]
var countrycode = (persona["Country"]);
this.timeout = 500000;
return session
//Adress Page
.findByCssSelector('select#billingAddress\\.country > option:nth-child(countrycode)')
//1.Country 2.DT 3.AT 4.CH 5.NL 6.DK 7.SE 8.LU 9.BE
//0-31 Days
.findByCssSelector('select#customer\\.profile\\.dateOfBirth_day > option:nth-child(3)')
//0-12 Months
.findByCssSelector('select#customer\\.profile\\.dateOfBirth_month > option:nth-child(3)')
//0-82 Years
.findByCssSelector('select#customer\\.profile\\.dateOfBirth_year > option:nth-child(3)')
.type('clark' + Math.floor(Math.random()*10000000000)+'@testing.qa')
.then(function(data) {
fs.writeFileSync("/tmp/Screenshot/Registration_" + heute + ".png", data, 'base64');
.findByCssSelector('#order_form_section input[type=submit]')
return RegistrationPage;
.findByCssSelector('select#billingAddress\\.country > option:nth-child(' + countrycode + ')')
Code Example:
], function (RegistrationPage, assert, require, intern, personas, fs) {
var heute = new Date();
var RegistrationPage;
RegistrationPage = {
DE: function (session, csv) {
var persona = personas[csv]
var countrycode = (persona["Country"]);
this.timeout = 500000;
return session
//Adress Page
.findByCssSelector('select#billingAddress\\.country > option:nth-child(' + countrycode + ')')
//1.Country 2.DT 3.AT 4.CH 5.NL 6.DK 7.SE 8.LU 9.BE
//0-31 Days
.findByCssSelector('select#customer\\.profile\\.dateOfBirth_day > option:nth-child(3)')
//0-12 Months
.findByCssSelector('select#customer\\.profile\\.dateOfBirth_month > option:nth-child(3)')
//0-82 Years
.findByCssSelector('select#customer\\.profile\\.dateOfBirth_year > option:nth-child(3)')
.type('clark' + Math.floor(Math.random()*10000000000)+'@testing.qa')
.then(function(data) {
fs.writeFileSync("/tmp/Screenshot/Registration_" + heute + ".png", data, 'base64');
.findByCssSelector('#order_form_section input[type=submit]')
return RegistrationPage;
DE: function (session, csv) {
var persona = personas[csv]
var countrycode = (persona["Country"]);
this.timeout = 500000;
return session
//Adress Page
**.findByCssSelector('select#billingAddress\\.country > option:nth-child(' + countrycode + ')')**
//1.Country 2.DT 3.AT 4.CH 5.NL 6.DK 7.SE 8.LU 9.BE
//0-31 Days
.findByCssSelector('select#customer\\.profile\\.dateOfBirth_day > option:nth-child(3)')
//0-12 Months
.findByCssSelector('select#customer\\.profile\\.dateOfBirth_month > option:nth-child(3)')
//0-82 Years
.findByCssSelector('select#customer\\.profile\\.dateOfBirth_year > option:nth-child(3)')
.type('clark' + Math.floor(Math.random()*10000000000)+'@testing.qa')
.then(function(data) {
fs.writeFileSync("/tmp/Screenshot/Registration_" + heute + ".png", data, 'base64');
.findByCssSelector('#order_form_section input[type=submit]')
return RegistrationPage;
Neither Intern nor JS will interpolate simple variable names in strings, so
'select#billingAddress\\.country > option:nth-child(countrycode)'
is just a simple string. If you want to use the countrycode variable, you'd do
.findByCssSelector('select#billingAddress\\.country > option:nth-child(' + countrycode + ')')
Or, since you're just pulling it out of the persona
object, you could just do
.findByCssSelector('select#billingAddress\\.country > option:nth-child(' + persona['Country'] + ')')
doesn't sound like something nth-child
will understand, though (number, 'odd', 'even', '2n+1', etc.), so making the selector use the variable may not buy you much.