when I set aui datepicker with calendar maximumDate attribute, It was not getting selected properly sometimes (it's kind of weird though). Till noon it was working, later it was not.
I am using Liferay 6.2 EE SP8. Using hook I am trying to change html\taglib\ui\input_date\page.jsp
Calendar calendarCurrentDate = CalendarFactoryUtil.getCalendar();
if((PortalUtil.getPortletNamespace(PortletKeys.JOURNAL)).equals(namespace) && name.equals("expirationDate")){
calendar: {
maximumDate: new Date(<%= calendarCurrentDate.get(Calendar.YEAR)+1 %>, <%= calendarCurrentDate.get(Calendar.MONTH) %>, <%= calendarCurrentDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) %>)
Full datepicker code below
<aui:script use='<%= "aui-datepicker" + (BrowserSnifferUtil.isMobile(request) ? "-native" : StringPool.BLANK) %>'>
'<%= nameId %>DatePicker',
function() {
var datePicker = new A.DatePicker<%= BrowserSnifferUtil.isMobile(request) ? "Native" : StringPool.BLANK %>(
container: '#<%= randomNamespace %>displayDate',
mask: '<%= mask %>',
if((PortalUtil.getPortletNamespace(PortletKeys.JOURNAL)).equals(namespace) && name.equals("expirationDate")){
calendar: {
maximumDate: new Date(<%= calendarCurrentDate.get(Calendar.YEAR)+1 %>, <%= calendarCurrentDate.get(Calendar.MONTH) %>, <%= calendarCurrentDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) %>)
on: {
disabledChange: function(event) {
var instance = this;
var container = instance.get('container');
var newVal = event.newVal;
container.one('#<%= dayParamId %>').attr('disabled', newVal);
container.one('#<%= monthParamId %>').attr('disabled', newVal);
container.one('#<%= nameId %>').attr('disabled', newVal);
container.one('#<%= yearParamId %>').attr('disabled', newVal);
selectionChange: function(event) {
var instance = this;
var container = instance.get('container');
var date = event.newSelection[0];
console.log("event >"+event);
console.log("date >"+date);
if (date) {
container.one('#<%= dayParamId %>').val(date.getDate());
container.one('#<%= monthParamId %>').val(date.getMonth());
container.one('#<%= yearParamId %>').val(date.getFullYear());
popover: {
zIndex: Liferay.zIndex.TOOLTIP
trigger: '#<%= nameId %>'
datePicker.getDate = function() {
var instance = this;
var container = instance.get('container');
return new Date(container.one('#<%= yearParamId %>').val(), container.one('#<%= monthParamId %>').val(), container.one('#<%= dayParamId %>').val());
return datePicker;
Liferay.component('<%= nameId %>DatePicker');
Any help much appreciated. Is it anything related to timezone.
Try to select max date as date, next when you click in input box - input value becomes blank. This will not be the case if we select other dates prior to max date. Max date is one year from current date
JS fiddle
http://jsfiddle.net/uasvug1h/1/(alloy 3 it was working)
http://jsfiddle.net/btnkumar/uasvug1h/2/(alloy 2 it was not working)
How to make this work in alloy 2
This is a bug in AlloyUI 2.0.x
. It has now been fixed in 3.0.x
and 2.0.x
, specifically the
release. Currently, there are no known workarounds.