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How Register multiple message listner in RabbitMQ (Spring AMQP)

I am new to rabbitmq. I am using spring-rabbit 1.3.5 Release. I want to register multiple message listner. How to do that?

I can register a single message listner.

Here is my code:

1)Interface which extends MessageListner interface

public interface MessageQueueManager extends MessageListener{
        public String createQueue(String queueName);

        public void sendMessage(String message, String destinationQueueName) throws Exception;

2) Here is the implementation:

    public class MessageQueueManagerImpl implements MessageQueueManager {

        private AmqpAdmin admin;
        private AmqpTemplate template;
        private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
        private SimpleMessageListenerContainer container;

        public void onMessage(Message message) {
                // Different message can behave differently.    


        public String createQueue(String queueName) {

            // survive a server restart
            boolean durable = true;
            // keep it even if nobody is using it
            boolean autoDelete = false;
            boolean exclusive = false;
            // create queue
            Queue newQueue = new Queue(queueName, durable, exclusive, autoDelete);
            queueName = admin.declareQueue(newQueue);

            // create binding with exchange
            // Producer sends to an Exchange and a Consumer receives from a Queue, the bindings that connect Queues to Exchanges are critical for connecting those producers and consumers via messaging.
            /*admin.declareBinding(new Binding(queueName, DestinationType.QUEUE,
                    "directExchange", queueName, new HashMap<String, Object>()));*/
            Binding binding = BindingBuilder.bind(newQueue).to(DirectExchange.DEFAULT).with(queueName);

            // add queue to listener

            // start listener
            return queueName;

        public void sendMessage(String message, String destinationQueueName)
                throws Exception {
            template.convertAndSend("directExchange", destinationQueueName,


3)Listner register in applicationContext.xml file

<!-- Listener container for setting up concurrent listeners for queues -->
    <bean id="simpleMessageListenerContainer"
        <constructor-arg index="0" ref="connectionFactory" />
        <property name="missingQueuesFatal" value="false" />
        <property name="concurrentConsumers" value="5" />
        <property name="autoStartup" value="false" />
        <property name="messageListener" ref="messageQueueManager" />

So here SimpleMessageListenerContainer class can take only one messageListner. Do I need to declare multiple SimpleMessageListenerContainer instance to register different messageListner?

I want to register this class as a message listner.

public class MessageHandler  implements MessageListener {
    public void onMessage(Message message) {"Received message: " + message);"Text: " + new String(message.getBody()));



  • 1)Register your queues:

    <rabbit:queue id="spring.queue" auto-delete="false"  durable="true" exclusive="false" name="spring.queue"/>
    <rabbit:queue id="user.login.notification" auto-delete="false"  durable="true" exclusive="false" name="user.login.notification"/>

    2)Declare the bindings:

    <rabbit:direct-exchange name="directExchange" auto-delete="false">
                <rabbit:binding queue="spring.queue" key="spring.queue" />
                <rabbit:binding queue="user.login.notification" key="user.login.notification MAIYAM" />

    3)Tell the container to call onMessage(Message message) method when the any of the queue publishes the message.

            connection-factory="connectionFactory" acknowledge="auto" concurrency="10"
            <rabbit:listener ref="myMessageListener" queues="spring.queue" />
            <rabbit:listener ref="messageQueueManager" queues="user.login.notification" />

    4)Remove private SimpleMessageListenerContainer container; from MessageQueueManagerImpl class.

    Now it should work.