what is the right way to implement file-saving dialogue with the traitsui
package from Enthought? At the moment, I have the actual saving function watching for changes in the trait filename_out
(i.e. File
trait). Unsurprisingly, this does nothing when the user wants to save to the same file repeatedly, overwriting it each time. How do I make it save the file each time the user confirms overwriting in the FileEditor dialogue?
A small piece of not-working code:
from traits.api import File, HasTraits
from traitsui.api import FileEditor, View, Item
import numpy
class ArrayToBeSaved(HasTraits):
filename_out = File
traits_view = View(Item('filename_out', editor = FileEditor(dialog_style='save')))
def __init__(self):
self.my_array = numpy.ones(3)
#This is NOT the right way
def _filename_out_changed(self):
numpy.save(self.filename_out, self.my_array)
self.my_array = numpy.zeros(3)
atbs = ArrayToBeSaved()
After selecting the file location, the array of ones is saved. After calling the file dialogue one more time, selecting the same file, the user is asked to confirm overwriting. However, nothing happens, as the filename_out
was not changed.
EDIT: I would like to make clear, that the FileEditor does ask to confirm overwriting, but does not save the file.
Thanks to aestrivex I can present a complete answer. The pyface.file_dilaog
really does the job. Since it took me some time to figure out how to use it, I decided to post a full working example.
This works also for re-opening the same file, only chage the attribute of FileDialog
to action = 'open'
(e.g. if you accidentally edit the values of something and wish to return to the sate that is saved on your disk - a situation that also fails if you rely on watching for change of a File
from traits.api import HasTraits, Button
from traitsui.api import View, Item
import numpy
##you may need to uncoment these 2 lines to prevent
##ImportErrors due to missing backends
#from traits.etsconfig.api import ETSConfig
#ETSConfig.toolkit = 'qt4' # or 'wx'
from pyface.api import FileDialog, OK
class ArrayToBeSaved(HasTraits):
save_as = Button('save as')
traits_view = View(Item('save_as'))
def __init__(self):
self.my_array = numpy.ones(3)
def _save_as_changed(self):
dlg = FileDialog(action='save as')
if dlg.open() == OK:
numpy.save(dlg.path, self.my_array)
self.my_array = numpy.zeros(3)
atbs = ArrayToBeSaved()