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L4.2 Extend/override Cashier to add Tax feature

I am using Laravel 4.2 with Cashier and I need to modify its protected function buildPayload() but I don't want to do it directly in the vendor file as I could break the code when I composer Update... How should I proceed to override this function with my own Logic ?

I currently use Cashier in one of my controller by doing:

                    ->create(Input::get('stripeToken'), [
                        'email' => ',

But I want to add a withTax() parameters... Like so:

                        ->create(Input::get('stripeToken'), [
                            'email' => ',

I already know how to do it directly in the StripeGateway.php file but it's bad practice...

I know that I need to add:

protected $taxPercent = 0;

    public function withTax($tax)
        $this->taxPercent = $tax;

        return $this;

    protected function buildPayload()
        $payload = [
            'plan' => $this->plan, 'prorate' => $this->prorate,
            'quantity' => $this->quantity, 'trial_end' => $this->getTrialEndForUpdate(),
            'tax_percent' => $this->taxPercent,

        return $payload;

What I don't know is how to add this code not directly in the Cashier Original file.


  • I managed to find how to do it by myself, it's first time I do this kind of thing... Please correct me if my method is wrong!


    I created a Folder named Lib\Cashier like so: laravel/app/Lib/Cashier

    I then created 2 files: BillableTrait.php and NewStripeGateway.php

    BillableTrait.php code:

    <?php namespace Lib\Cashier;
    use Laravel\Cashier;
    use Lib\Cashier\NewStripeGateway as StripeGateway;
    trait BillableTrait {
        use Cashier\BillableTrait;
         * Get a new billing gateway instance for the given plan.
         * @param  \Laravel\Cashier\PlanInterface|string|null  $plan
         * @return \Laravel\Cashier\StripeGateway
        public function subscription($plan = null)
            if ($plan instanceof PlanInterface) $plan = $plan->getStripeId();
            return new StripeGateway($this, $plan);

    For NewStripeGateway.php:

    <?php namespace Lib\Cashier;
    use Laravel\Cashier\StripeGateway;
    class NewStripeGateway extends StripeGateway {
        protected $taxPercent = 0;
        public function withTax($tax)
            $this->taxPercent = $tax;
            return $this;
        protected function buildPayload()
            $payload = [
                'plan' => $this->plan, 'prorate' => $this->prorate,
                'quantity' => $this->quantity, 'trial_end' => $this->getTrialEndForUpdate(),
                'tax_percent' => $this->taxPercent,
            return $payload;

    And then I edited my Model that use Cashier like so (only changed the USE block):

    use Lib\Cashier\BillableTrait;
    use Laravel\Cashier\BillableInterface;

    I can now do this directly to set the tax on a subscription:

                            ->create(Input::get('stripeToken'), [
                                'email' => '',

    It's working perfectly!! If there is anything I did wrong, please notice me of the changes, it's first time I dig in PHP classes (traits, extends, etc) by myself..

    Thank you!
