I have around 200 separate documents in MS Word, each being around 4-6 pages long.
Each document defines couple of terms, few images and few tables and source listings.
I am thinking of converting the documents into rst and integrating all of them into one large document using Sphinx documentation framework as it provides very good support for cross-linking.
As a result, I expect two artefacts:
make html
)make latexpdf
)My question is: is it feasible with such large number of pages?
I would expect problems in following situations (some are critical, other not):
That's slightly overkill, but I generated a .rst equivalent to 2100 pages of pdf (after translation by sphinx to pdf)
The documents consists in 100 chapters, and each chapter holds 100000 random words from an English dictionary.
And here is how sphinx behaves:
% time make html
sphinx-build -b html -d _build/doctrees . _build/html
Running Sphinx v1.3.1
Build finished. The HTML pages are in _build/html.
make html 199.01s user 6.26s system 100% cpu 3:25.24 total
So total build of ~ 3min. The resulting document is displayed properly by a recent version of firefox, and the search box generated by sphinx does not suffer from any noticeable slowdown.
So I guess the answer is: yes, it is feasible.