I'm going to write a music player for android which satisfies specific needs (which doesn't matter to my question).
I'd like to identify internal playlists with directories (inside of one main directory) on sdcard because I know my users will set up organized directories. So simply reading all audio files in a single list to let the user create playlists manually afterwards would probably be annoying.
I'm wondering whether it's worth to generate a hierarchical playlist file for this purpose.
My current plan is to run a "library inspector" when the app is started. This inspector will use a "library state" containing of hierarchical data of the form
String filename;
long modified; // timestamp of last modification
to check the library recursive for the need of creating a new playlist file. If this matching check fails, this hierarchical file (metadata: title, artist, album, ... - for example xml) is created including a new "library state". This file should prevent to read all the metadata every single run of the app.
To make that clear: I'm searching for an efficient way to play music - but safe battery!
Since I'm new to the development of mobile apps, I'm not very familiar with battery saving. Is it that more saving to read one file instead of recursive metadata reading? Or maybe I'm about to overdo things? Do you know some strategies of established applications?
I'm very interested in your thoughts :) and I hope my bad english doesn't prevent your understanding ... I'm sorry for that.
Thank you!
I can't answer from the perspective of using MediaStore or SQLite, but can give you some suggestions about minimizing battery usage.
My timing durations (e.g. 1 sec apart) are just for illustration purposes. There are multiple idle states and different rules for dropping into those states that can make a real illustration very complicated.
I don't know much about the power efficiency of databases. I do know there are some data bases designed for mobile and low power devices. Unfortunately, I don't recall what they are. (Don't quote me on this, but I recall something about Berkeley and real time.
PS Your English seems excellent.