How can a SystemD install script created by sbt debian:packageBin
set up permissions for the webapp to write to the PID /var/run
or a subdirectory?
Only root has permission to create a pid
file in /var/run
or to create a directory like /var/run/myWebApp/
that holds a pid
file. The debian:packageBin
task causes the webapp to run as a special user:group
created from the name of the webapp. If a directory is created like /var/run/myWebApp
, the myWebApp
group needs write permission, but I don't see any way to make this happen automatically. Am I missing something?
Here are some of my config files:
# This seems redundant ... should it be removed?
pidfile.path = /var/run/webapp2/pid
pidfile.path = ${?pidfile.path}
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.archetypes.ServerLoader.{Systemd, SystemV, Upstart}
import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtNativePackager.autoImport._
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(PlayScala, DebianPlugin)
serverLoading in Debian := Systemd
maintainer in Linux := "Mike Slinn <>"
packageSummary in Linux := "myWebApp blah blah"
packageDescription := "myWebApp blah blah"
daemonUser in Linux := normalizedName.value // user which will execute the application, resolves to "myWebApp"
daemonGroup in Linux := (daemonUser in Linux).value // group which will execute the application, resolves to "myWebApp"
Play manages its own pid.. I was not able to get ${{app_name}}
to expand, so I hardcoded myWebApp
The sbt-native-packager docs say that the pid should be placed in /var/run/myWebApp
and the logs in /var/log/myWebApp
has permission 777 is symlinked to /run
with permission 775; both are owned by root:root
. Thus the only way for a non-root process can write to /var/run
is for a directory to be created under /var/run
with the appropriate permissions. For example, postgres:postgres
has permission to write to /var/run/postgres
$ ls -adlF /var/run/postgresql
drwxrwsr-x 3 postgres postgres 120 Aug 28 01:17 /var/run/postgresql/
This is how the Play docs show placing the pid in /var/run
should work, however this does not work for me.
Here is the solution, placed in debian.sbt
linuxPackageMappings += packageTemplateMapping(s"/var/run/${name.value}/")() withUser name.value withGroup name.value
There was no need for the extra entries in conf/application.conf