What path can I use to display a current_user
's own listed products?
= button_to "View My Products", root_path, method: :get, class: "button"
Instead of root_path
I tried to use @product.user.all
which did not work.
user GET /users/:id(.:format) users#show
search_products GET /products/search(.:format) products#search
products GET /products(.:format) products#index
POST /products(.:format) products#create
new_product GET /products/new(.:format) products#new
edit_product GET /products/:id/edit(.:format) products#edit
product GET /products/:id(.:format) products#show
PATCH /products/:id(.:format) products#update
PUT /products/:id(.:format) products#update
DELETE /products/:id(.:format) products#destroy
welcome_index GET /welcome/index(.:format) welcome#index
root GET / welcome#index
and all of Devise's standard routes.
I think you want one product controller index action and association between user and products
Then in products#index action
def index
@products = current_user.products
and your link will be
= link_to 'View My Products', {controller: :products, action: :index}
If your product#index action for non authenticated users then make that action conditional
@products = (current_user ? current_user.products : Product.all)