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Wrong Number of Elements for reading from console with UFT

I have the following simple problem with UFT.

My Script is:

Dim testShell
Set testShell = CreateObject ("")
testShell.exec "cmd /K CD C:\ & Dir"

Which gives me the following error:

Wrong number of Arguments : 'testShell.exec' Line (4): "msgbox(testShell.Exec.StdOut)".

I have looked at several VbScripts so far and there it seems to work with no problems. Why does my script fail? I am very sure it is something very stupid and simple, but i cannot see my error. I just want to get the output of my shell into a variable so i can work with it.


  • You need the object returned by .Exec to get the .StdOut and its content and /K should be /C:

    >> Set testShell = CreateObject ("")
    >> Set oExec = testShell.exec("%comspec% /C CD C:\ & Dir")
    >> WScript.Echo oExec.StdOut.ReadAll()
     Volume in drive C has no label.
     25.05.2011  19:32    <DIR>          apache-ant-1.8.2