Magento reviews follow this format:-
I need to change the date of the review to a custom date.
Please could somebody guide me on how to go about doing this? I have tried editing the review in the back-end, but the only sections I can change are the Summary and the Body of the review.
If you could let me know where in the database I should change, I'd really appreciate it. Or, if there is a way to change this in the back-end, without installing an extension, that'd be really awesome.
The Magento Admin backend does not have a place to edit the date of a product review. You must do this directly in the SQL database or programmatically.
The following instructions will help you change it directly in the SQL database.
Login to your Magento backend Admin area and go here in the menu:
Magento Admin >> Catalog >> Reviews and Ratings >> Customer Reviews >> All Reviews
In the resulting table of all reviews, find the single review you want to change the date for. Do not click into the review because the ID is only shown in the table of all reviews.
Remember that ID
I used PhpMyAdmin to get access to my Magento SQL database. You can use whatever SQL Management Platform suits you.
You're done.
Check Magento to make sure it displays the updated date.