I want to restart the counting with 1 where ever there is an emptyline in my file.
My file is like this: cat test.txt
333|111|222|333| 222|111|333|222|
I am using cat test.txt | sed 's/|/\n/g' | nl output: 1 333 2 111 3 222 4 333
5 222 6 111 7 333
What i want is that after empty line the counting again start from 1. desired output: 1 333 2 111 3 222 4 333
1 222 2 111 3 333
please help?
This task is quite trivial in 'awk', or one of its clones gawk, nawk.
Create a script linerecount.awk with content:
/^$/ { lineno=0; next}
{ print ++lineno, $0}
First line obviously resets the linenumber and skips to next line. Second line increments linenumber, prints it, prints line.
Apply with gawk -f linerecount.awk to whatever you want.
$ cat input.txt
First line
Second line
Third line
Second part, First line
Second line
Third line
Final part, First line
Second line
$ gawk -f linerecount.awk < input.txt
1 First line
2 Second line
3 Third line
1 Second part, First line
2 Second line
3 Third line
1 Final part, First line
2 Second line