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Wincache extension has no impact on IIS 7.5

On my IIS 7.5 webserver I am running PHP 5.6 together with the wincache extension ( for caching the opcode of my PHP scripts. This is supposed to reduce CPU load on the server, because the PHP scripts don't have to be recompiled every time a request comes in.

However I don't see the CPU load decreasing noticably. With 3 clients my web service is practically maxed out (80% cpu utilization on average) and that's just as much as without wincache.

Here's the relevant section from php.ini

; Full reference:
wincache.fcenabled = 0
wincache.ocenabled = 1
wincache.ucenabled = 0
wincache.fcachesize = 64
wincache.fcndetect = 0
wincache.maxfilesize = 256
wincache.chkinterval = 10
wincache.enablecli = 0

I had to disable file caching, because of this:

print_r(wincache_ocache_fileinfo()) prints this:

    [total_cache_uptime] => 303
    [is_local_cache] => 1
    [total_file_count] => 42
    [total_hit_count] => 32160
    [total_miss_count] => 42
    [file_entries] => Array
    ... (skipped precise file info for brevity)

And print_r(wincache_ocache_meminfo()) gives me this:

    [memory_total] => 100663296
    [memory_free] => 99769616
    [num_used_blks] => 1677
    [num_free_blks] => 1
    [memory_overhead] => 26880

Any suggestions on why I don't see wincache having any impact? What else can I try to reduce CPU load on my webserver?


  • So it looks as if PHP now has an inbuilt opcode cache, the Zend Opcache. Activating/configuring that instead of Wincache worked for me. I now see the caching of opcode having an effect, although it's not as big as I expected it to be.

    From PHP 5.5 on one can activate the Zend Opcache extension by adding the following lines to php.ini:


    Also see this page on how to configure/tweak the Zend Opcode extension: