I am trying to use Bean Validation for validation in my Spring App. I have the below field defined in my bean -
@NotNull(message = "CUSTOMERROR-1000")
private String firstName;
Here I have defined CUSTOMERROR-1000 as "Field is mandatory" in my property file. In my ControllerAdvice class , i am able to retrieve the details using the code below :
Here I get the field name as firstName. Is there a way to annotate the field and set the value as "First Name"? Similarly is there a way to set the code value via annotation?
For that, you need to create your own constraints. Than you can add additional properties, label, errorCode etc., set values to them and use them. See: http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/validator/5.0/reference/en-US/html/validator-customconstraints.html#validator-customconstraints-compound
Than you can define your error message like this:
Error code: {errorCode} - {label} is mandatory