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Maven Bundle Plugin R6 Metatype

I'm trying to use the maven-bundle-plugin to build a bundle using the osgi r6 metatype annotations.

I have created a config class

    name = "Bundle State Validator"
@interface BundleInstallationConfig {
    boolean DEFAULT_ENABLED = true;

        defaultValue = "true"
    boolean isEnabled() default DEFAULT_ENABLED;

and I'm using it in my component class.

    immediate = true
@Designate(ocd = BundleInstallationConfig.class)
public class BundleInstallationVerifier {

but when I build it the generated metatype file doesn't look right and it doesn't load in the config admin. This is what is generated (it's missing the designate section)

<metatype:MetaData localization="OSGI-INF/l10n/test.test.BundleInstallationConfig">
    <OCD id="test.test.BundleInstallationConfig" name="Bundle State Validator" description="Watches bundles to ensure they are in the correct state and switches the System Ready state.">
        <AD id="isEnabled" type="Boolean" name="Is enabled" default="true"/>

This is the bundle plugin in my pom


I have got this far mostly through the frustrations of this guy!msg/bndtools-users/_F0Nr8b7rlQ/2A9x660pAgAJ


  • I don't think the maven-bundle-plugin uses bndlib 3.0 yet. bndlib 3.0 (not released yet) is the source of OSGi R6 annotations support. You are a little ahead of things.