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Custom object not storing all names

I have this code in my gymInfo class:

public class gymInfo
   public gymArray getAllGymsByStars()
        gymDataTableAdapters.gymsTableAdapter gymsTableAdapter = new gymDataTableAdapters.gymsTableAdapter();
        DataTable gymsDataTable = gymsTableAdapter.getAllGymsByStars();
        gymArray gymArray = new gymArray();

        foreach(DataRow row in gymsDataTable.Rows)
   = row["name"].ToString();        
        return gymArray;

The gymsDataTable contains 20 rows of names, now I have made a custom class, here is the code:

public class gymArray
  public string name { get; set; }

Which I expected the string name to get populated with 20 names (as their is 20 rows in the datatable) however when I debug on line return gymArray it only shows the name of the last row rather than showing a whole custom array of names.

Does anyone understand what I'm doing wrong?


  • You haven't actually created an array. You've got a single gymArray object, and you're just changing its name property repeatedly.

    Also, you're not following C# conventions when naming things. Your code should be more like this:

    public class GymInfo
       public List<Gym> GetAllGymsByStars()
            gymDataTableAdapters.gymsTableAdapter gymsTableAdapter = new gymDataTableAdapters.gymsTableAdapter();
            DataTable gymsDataTable = gymsTableAdapter.getAllGymsByStars();    
            List<Gym> gyms = new List<Gym>();    
            foreach(DataRow row in gymsDataTable.Rows)
                Gym gym = new Gym();
                gym.Name = row["name"].ToString();
            return gyms;
    public class Gym
         public string Name { get; set; }

    Instead of a naming a single object an "array", I created a generic List of Gym objects and returned that from the GetAllGymsByStars method.