How can I specify an array index and sub-index type? Note: I will use it with PHPStorm.
Array example:
function name ($options) {
// $options['length'] => integer
// $options['more'] => array
// $options['more']['test1'] => boolean
// $options['more']['test2'] => boolean
Example (that not works):
* @param array $options
* @var int $length
* @var array $more
* @var bool $test1
* @var bool $test2
In general, PhpStorm only support simple syntax, just as Sam has stated, e.g.
* @param string[] $options
The code above described parameter which is array of strings.
Install Options completion plugin -- it supports new proposed syntax for hashes (describing array keys and its' types) in PHPDoc:
This plugin will add code completion for array keys.
class Element {
* Initializes this class with the given options.
* @param array $options {
* @var bool $required Whether this element is required
* @var string $label The display name for this element
* }
public function __construct(array $options = array())
// some code here
new Element(['label' => 'Bob', '|' ]);
// | Ctrl+Space will show supported attributes
NOTE: Main purpose of this plugin is to offer array keys completion -- I'm not sure how well it supports type resolutions for each of array elements (in case if they are different like in your example).