I'm starting to develop an AVR-IDE for developing various AVR-Boards on Linux. I just want a simple IDE with tools for debugging(simavr), compiling(gcc for avr), and uploading (avrdude). Maybe at a later moment I will be adding tools for setting breakpoints, setting fuses's and so on. I'm totally open to any programming IDE / programming language with whom I would like to realize it. Only requirement is a simple integration of a "VIM like editor" (preferably with syntax highlighting and plugin support, but I could add that later on). Even an emulation of the standard functions of VIM would be enough. But writing the complete VIM emulator by myself would be too much work I think (there is probably a better workaround). Do you know any way of integrating VIM into a self made qt application, or a gtk+ application, or a gtk# application... ? Tips on chosing which language I shall use, and tips on how to integrate a simpe VIM editor are welcome! (but don't think I don't have experience with the different programming languages / IDE's, gtk+, gtk#, qt...) I just want to hear your considerations.
Thanks alot, ICEBERG
You can use what QtCreator (already mentioned in @Kuba Ober's answer) uses: FakeVim.
If the level of emulation doesn't satisfy you, and you're up for more work, try Neovim - which is actually based on Vim. You can study neovim-qt in order to see how to integrate it to your IDE.