I'm tring to read 4 ints from simple .txt array as described in this question genfromtxt : read ints from space separated .txt file
but I want it as 2D numpy array.
def read_data():
data = np.genfromtxt('Skin_NonSkin.txt', dtype=(int, int, int, int))
print type(data)
print data.shape
print data[0]
print type(data[0])
print data[0].shape
print data[0][1]
return data
it gives me
<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
(74, 85, 123, 1)
<type 'numpy.void'>
So how to properly read the data or convert it to 2D nampy array with shape (245057,4)?
just use:
data = np.genfromtxt('Skin_NonSkin.txt', dtype=np.int32)
You are creating a 1D array of (int,int,int,int)
but what you really want is a 2D array of np.int32