In this scenario, I want to navigate from the main page to the sub page and perform some actions. The url of the sub page is dynamically generated, but the page content is the same. This is what I have tried so far:
In the main class:
to MainPage
to SubPage
In the Page class:
public class SubPage extends Page {
static url = getCurrentUrl()
static content = {
SelectAddressButton { $("button", 0) }
I have alternatively tried (without any success)
Thanks a lot in advance!
It won't work, as static fields are initialized when the class is loaded.
However, you can use go "http://my_dynamic_url_string"
in your specification and then make your assertions. The at
assertion would work here too.
Also, if your "dynamic" url can be parametrized you should have a look at Advanced Page Navigation.
Defining a Page
without a url
static field should work. I've used it a lot. Currently I have it working with Geb '0.10.0' and use it via withNewWindow { }
and it does static at
verification for me. Or you can put logic in methods, and call them in closure you pass to withNewWindow
For example (untested):
class CustomPage {
static content = {
SelectAddressButton { $("button", 0) }
static at = { "check smth" }
def orSomehowLikeThis() {
assert "smth" // accessing content
withNewWindow { } {