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How to create contact list items in a SharePoint 2013 contact list with PowerShell?

I'm trying to create contact list items in a SharePoint 2013 contact list with powershell. Creating items itself is not that hard:

$spWeb = Get-SPWeb -Identity http://sharepoint
$spList = $spWeb.GetList("/Contacts/Lists/Test")

$spListItem = $spList.AddItem()
$spListItem["Title"] = "New Item"


But setting the properties like street, telephone number, position, etc. drives me crazy. When creating a contact manually in the list via the Website and getting the details of it with PowerShell ($spList.GetItems()), all those properties are put together in a property called Xml. I know I can build the xml on my own and put it in there, but this just seems not to be the right way...

So my question is: How to create a contact item with properties like street, position, etc. correctly with PowerShell?

Update: It looks like setting properties in the xml itself does not have any impact on the item. I tried:

[XML]$a = $spListItem["Xml"];
$a.row.SetAttribute("ows_FirstName", "New Firstname")

But this change does not appear on the Website nor when looking at the Xml again...


  • Ok, finally figured it out on my own...

    $spListItem["Name"] = "Name"
    $spListItem["FirstName"] = "FirstName"
    $spListItem["FullName"] = "FullName"
    $spListItem["Email"] = "Email"
    $spListItem["Company"] = "Company"
    $spListItem["JobTitle"] = "JobTitle"
    $spListItem["WorkPhone"] = "WorkPhone"
    $spListItem["HomePhone"] = "HomePhone"
    $spListItem["CellPhone"] = "CellPhone"
    $spListItem["WorkFax"] = "WorkFax"
    $spListItem["WorkAddress"] = "WorkAddress"
    $spListItem["WorkCity"] = "WorkCity"
    $spListItem["WorkState"] = "WorkState"
    $spListItem["WorkZip"] = "WorkZip"
    $spListItem["WorkCountry"] = "WorkCountry"
    $spListItem["WebPage"] = "http://WebPage.local"

    It is really as simple as that...

    There is also as MSDN article describing how to do it in C# at