i need to have a table in my db which contains a single column which is an array of uuid objects (uuid[] type)
but when i try to insert into it using a nodejs library named pg-promise it fails
i get the following error message telling me i need to rewrite the cast or the expression
{"name":"error","length":206,"severity":"ERROR","code":"42804","hint":"You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.","position":"230","file":"src\\backend\\parse
this is strange since i have absolutely no issues when i try to enter a single uuid to another column on the same exact table (meaning, i have no issue with representing uuid, btw i create them as a text variables from another lib, but they are plain old text variables)
nor do i have an issue when i try to enter an array of TEXT objects to the same column (in case i change the table to have a TEXT[] column instead of UUID[] column)
here is my code
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var pgpLib = require('pg-promise');
var pgp = pgpLib();
var cn = confUtil.pgDbConnectionConfiguration();
var db = pgp(cn);
var newEntity={};
newEntity.hash = uuid.v4();
newEntity.location = {X:2394876,Y:2342342};
newEntity.mother = uuid.v4();
newEntity.timestamp = Date.now();
newEntity.content = {content:"blah"};
newEntity.sobList = [uuid.v4(),uuid.v4(),uuid.v4()];
addEntity (newEntity);
function addEntity(newEntity) {
var insertEntityQueryPrefix='insert into entities (';
var insertEntityQueryMiddle=') values (';
var insertEntityQueryPostfix="";
var insertEntityQuery="";
//longStoryShort this is how the query template i used looked like
"insert into entities ("hash","location","mother","timestamp","content","sobList") values (${hash},${location},${mother},${timestamp},${content},${sobList})"
//and this is the parameters object i fed to the query i ran it when it failed
"hash": "912f6d85-8b47-4d44-98a2-0bbef3727bbd",
"location": {
"X": 2394876,
"Y": 2342342
"mother": "87312241-3781-4d7c-bf0b-2159fb6f7f74",
"timestamp": 1440760511354,
"content": {
"content": "bla"
"sobList": [
return db.tx(function () {
var processedInsertEntityQuery = this.any(insertEntityQuery,newEntity);
return Promise.all([processedInsertEntityQuery])
function (data) {
return newEntity;
function (reason) {
throw new Error(reason);
Inserting an array of UUID-s is a special case that requires explicit type casting, because you are passing UUID-s into type uuid[]
as an array of text strings.
You need to change your INSERT
query: replace ${sobList}
with ${sobList}::uuid[]
. This will instruct PostgeSQL to convert the array of strings into array of UUID-s.
Unrelated to your question, you do not need to use Promise.all
inside db.tx
when executing just a single request. You can simply return the result from the insert request:
return this.none(insertEntityQuery,newEntity);
although using a transaction to execute a single request is equally pointless :)
The latest version of pg-promise supports Custom Type Formatting, so you can write your own custom types for query formatting, avoiding explicit type casting.
For your example of using UUID-s inside an array, you can implement your own UUID type:
const UUID = a => ({rawType = true, toPostgres = () => a.v4()});
And for any uuidValue
in array or alone, you can use UUID(uuidValue)
for automatic formatting.