In Bash I can enter the following command.:
svn log -r {2015-08-26}:HEAD
to get the last commits from 2015-08-26
. But the command does not work in the fish shell. Then I get the following error:
svn: E205000: Syntaxfehler in Revisionsparameter »2015-08-26:HEAD«
If I try:
svn log -r '\{'2015-08-26'\}':HEAD
it does also not work:
svn: E205000: Syntaxfehler in Revisionsparameter »\{2015-08-26\}:HEAD«
How can I execute that command in the fish shell? Maybe without typing a lot of further charaters like '\'
The following command variation works in the fish shell.:
svn log -r '{'2015-08-26'}':HEAD
Slash escaping does also work:
svn log -r \{2015-08-26\}:HEAD