Is it possible to assign a multiline text value in a semantic mediawiki subobject ? I'd like to do something like
a list on line 2:
*list item 1 on line3
*list item 2 on line4
setting multiline texts for ordinary objects works with
*item 1
*item 2]]
I wonder if it's possible for subobjects as I would like to attach multiline notes for to do subobjects
Your example is:
a list on line 2:
*list item 1 on line3
*list item 2 on line4
This will give an error message that the multi line content "line1..." can not be used as a page title. This is because the default property type is page. You need to change the property type via special page [[Property:multiline]] See e.g. has the type text, which is declared via
[[Has type::Text]]
So you might want to do the same for your multiline property. The following query shows the wanted result: