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Suppressing errors in Aptana

Since I'm working with templates I have non-html code in my html files, which leads to errors in Aptana.

Some files are completely underlined which is pretty irritating.

I found this solution :

(Also on another topic on stackoverflow)

Which I did, adding < repeat> and < repeat * > (without the first space, when I delete the space the word seems to disappear from stackoverflow..)

But it doesn't change a thing. I'm sure my expression is wrong, but I have no idea what it should be..

        <repeat group="{{ @articles }}" value="{{ @idiv }}">                
            <article class="product clearfix">
                <a href="detail/{{ @idiv.SysNumVenice }}"><img id="small" src="{{ @idiv.Pad_afbeelding }}" /></a>
                <h3>{{ @idiv.Omschrijving_Nld }}</h3> <!-- Omschrijving NLD -->
                <p>{{ @idiv.Verkoopprijs }}&euro; &ndash; <a href="detail/{{ @idiv.SysNumVenice }}">Details</a></p> <!--Verkoopprijs-->


  • Fixed it by changing the HTML Tidy Validator settings.

    Preferences > Aptana Studio > Validation


    By changing unrecognized elements to Ignore I no longer get the errors/complete blocks underlined.