I have this put request that needs lot of parameters.
So is there a way to iterate over the parameters instead of manually accesing them.
public Response createFoobar(
@PathParam("foo1") String foo1,
@PathParam("foo2") String foo2,
@PathParam("foo3") String foo3,
@PathParam("foo4") String foo4
FooBar foobar = new FooBar();
foobar.foo1 = foo1;
foobar.foo2 = foo2;
return Response.status(200)...;
What i want
foreach(Object param in pathParams){
Is this possible?
You can obtain query- and path parameters from UriInfo:
public String get(@Context UriInfo ui) {
MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams = ui.getQueryParameters();
MultivaluedMap<String, String> pathParams = ui.getPathParameters();
To obtain the parameters from the application/x-www-form-urlencoded content of a POST or PUT request, inject a javax.ws.rs.core.Form
object into the controller method:
public String put(Form form) {
MultivaluedMap<String, String> formParams = form.asMap();