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How do I convert a Rust closure to a C-style callback?

I'm trying to write a Rusty wrapper for a piece of C API. There is one C construct I struggle with:

typedef bool (*listener_t) (int, int);
bool do_it(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, listener_t listener)

The function does its job for a range of numbers unless the listener returns false. In that case it aborts computation. I want to have a Rust wrapper like this:

fn do_with_callback<F>(start: (i32, i32), end: (i32, i32), callback: F)
    where F: Fn(i32, i32) -> bool

rust-bindgen created this for me, slightly edited for clarity:

pub type listener_t = Option<extern "C" fn(x: c_int, y: c_int) -> c_bool>;

pub fn TCOD_line(xFrom: c_int, yFrom: c_int,
                 xTo: c_int, yTo: c_int,
                 listener: listener_t) -> c_bool;

How should I convert a closure or a trait reference to a C-style callback in my do_with functions:

pub fn do_with_callback<F>(start: (i32, i32), end: (i32, i32), callback: F) -> Self
    where F: Fn(i32, i32) -> bool
    let wrapper = ???;
    unsafe {
        ffi::do_it(start.0, start.1, end.0, end.1, Some(wrapper))


  • You cannot do it unless the C API allows passing a user-provided callback parameter. If it does not, you can only use static functions.

    The reason is that closures are not "just" functions. As their name implies, closures "close over" variables from their lexical scope. Each closure has an associated piece of data which holds either values of captured variables (if the move keyword is used) or references to them. This data can be thought of as some unnamed, anonymous struct.

    The compiler automatically adds an implementation of the corresponding Fn* traits for these anonymous structs. As you can see, methods on these traits accept self in addition to the closure arguments. In this context, self is the struct on which the trait is implemented. This means that each function which corresponds to a closure also has an additional parameter which contains the closure environment.

    If your C API only allows you to pass functions without any user-defined parameters, you cannot write a wrapper which would allow you to use closures. I guess it may be possible to write some global holder for the closures environment, but I doubt it would be easy and safe.

    If your C API does allow passing a user-defined argument, then it is possible to do what you want with trait objects:

    extern crate libc;
    use std::mem;
    use libc::{c_int, c_void};
    extern "C" {
        fn do_something(f: Option<extern "C" fn(x: c_int, arg: *mut c_void) -> c_int>, arg: *mut c_void) -> c_int;
    extern "C" fn do_something_handler(x: c_int, arg: *mut c_void) -> c_int {
        let closure: &mut &mut dyn FnMut(i32) -> bool = unsafe { mem::transmute(arg) };
        closure(x as i32) as c_int
    pub fn do_with_callback<F>(x: i32, mut callback: F) -> bool
        where F: FnMut(i32) -> bool
        // reason for double indirection is described below
        let mut cb: &mut dyn FnMut(i32) -> bool = &mut callback;
        let cb = &mut cb;
        unsafe { do_something(Some(do_something_handler), cb as *mut _ as *mut c_void) > 0 }

    This will only work if do_something does not store the pointer to the callback somewhere. If it does, you need to use a Box<Fn(..) -> ..> trait object and leak it after you pass it to the function. Then, if possible, it should be obtained back from your C library and disposed of. It could look like this:

    extern crate libc;
    use std::mem;
    use libc::{c_int, c_void};
    extern "C" {
        fn set_handler(f: Option<extern "C" fn(x: c_int, arg: *mut c_void) -> c_int>, arg: *mut c_void);
        fn invoke_handler(x: c_int) -> c_int;
        fn unset_handler() -> *mut c_void;
    extern "C" fn do_something_handler(x: c_int, arg: *mut c_void) -> c_int {
        let closure: &mut Box<dyn FnMut(i32) -> bool> = unsafe { mem::transmute(arg) };
        closure(x as i32) as c_int
    pub fn set_callback<F>(callback: F)
        where F: FnMut(i32) -> bool,
              F: 'static
        let cb: Box<Box<dyn FnMut(i32) -> bool>> = Box::new(Box::new(callback));
        unsafe {
            set_handler(Some(do_something_handler), Box::into_raw(cb) as *mut _);
    pub fn invoke_callback(x: i32) -> bool {
        unsafe { invoke_handler(x as c_int) > 0 }
    pub fn unset_callback() {
        let ptr = unsafe { unset_handler() };
        // drop the callback
        let _: Box<Box<dyn FnMut(i32) -> bool>> = unsafe { Box::from_raw(ptr as *mut _) };
    fn main() {
        let mut y = 0;
        set_callback(move |x| {
            y += 1;
            x > y
        println!("First: {}", invoke_callback(2));
        println!("Second: {}", invoke_callback(2));

    Double indirection (i.e. Box<Box<...>>) is necessary because Box<Fn(..) -> ..> is a trait object and therefore a fat pointer, incompatible with *mut c_void because of different size.