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cannot override ButtonCell onBrowserEvent in header cell

Please help, I spent hours trying to passe an Event on my ButtonCell in a footer, but nothing happens it rather takes the Event of the colomn.

I created my header cell like this

    Header<String> buttFooterPilote = new Header<String>(new ButtonCell()) {

    public String getValue() {
    return I18nSteering.getButtons().unlockPRSelected();


};buttFooterPilote.setUpdater(new ValueUpdater<String>() {

    public void update(String value) {

    List<Integer> selectedPRIds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    for (PRGui pr : selectionModel.getSelectedSet()) {
        if (pr.isLocked()) {
    PrGuiDataTable.this.fireEvent(new UnlockPilotPointEvent(selectedPRIds));


super.addColumn(pilotModeColumn, addHeaderPiloteColomn, buttFooterPilote);


  • Issue resolved, my code works perfectly the setUpdater overrides the click event. The thing was that my UnlockPilotPointEvent was not triggered because selectedPRIds was null that's all