The memsql installation page says that memsql-ops is installed in /var/lib/memsql-ops and memsql is installed in /var/lib/memsql
How do i change the installation directory as i donot want it to be in /var but somewhere else say /mnt/pd
Both the Answers were great , but i found an easier way from the doc
MemSQL Ops is installed by default in /var/lib/memsql-ops. In addition, it stores data including logs in /var/lib/memsql-ops/data .This directory can be changed at installation time by specifying the option --ops-datadir.
MemSQL Ops by default will store MemSQL installations in /var/lib/memsql. This directory can be changed at installation time by specifying the option --memsql-installs-dir.
For instance, to save MemSQL Ops data in /path/to/memsql-ops-data and MemSQL installations in /path/to/memsql-installs, run:
sudo ./ --ops-datadir /path/to/memsql-ops-data --memsql-installs-dir /path/to/memsql-installs