I'm building a counter that counts rising edges from an input channel. I've simplified my design to include two states, one
and two
, where counting is done. For some reason, whenever I try to add 1 to counter_reg
, or try to assign any number at all to it, the signal becomes red with an X in ModelSim. The code and picture of what happens to the signal are provided below.
I have included the IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL, so I should be able to do unsigned addition. I am not sure what is wrong with counter_reg
. Is there anything I'm doing wrong with the counter?
library IEEE;
entity photon_counter is
Port ( clk,reset : in STD_LOGIC;
arm,shifter,channel : in STD_LOGIC;
start : in STD_LOGIC);
end photon_counter;
architecture fsm_arch of photon_counter is
type state_type is (idle,zero,one);
type array_type is array (1 downto 0) of UNSIGNED (15 downto 0);
signal state_reg,state_next : state_type;
signal arm_prev,shifter_prev,channel_prev : STD_LOGIC;
signal counter : array_type;
signal counter_reg,counter_next : UNSIGNED (15 downto 0);
--State Register
if reset='1' then
state_reg <= zero;
counter_reg <= (others => '0');
counter <= (others => (others => '0'));
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
state_reg <= state_next;
counter_reg <= counter_next;
arm_prev <= arm;
shifter_prev <= shifter;
channel_prev <= channel;
end if;
end process;
--Next-State Logic/Output Logic
--default actions
state_next <= state_reg;
counter_next <= counter_reg;
counter_reg <= counter_reg;
case state_reg is
when idle =>
counter_reg <= (others => '0');
counter <= (others => (others => '0'));
if start = '1' then
state_next <= zero;
end if;
when zero =>
if (shifter = '1') and (shifter_prev = '0') then
state_next <= one;
counter(0) <= counter_reg;
end if;
if (channel = '1') and (channel_prev = '0') then
counter_next <= counter_reg + 1;
end if;
when one =>
if arm = '1' then
state_next <= zero;
counter(1) <= counter_reg;
end if;
if (channel = '1') and (channel_prev = '0') then
counter_reg <= counter_reg + 1;
end if;
end case;
end process;
end fsm_arch;
As shown below, counter_reg
and counter_next
start off with a value of 0 until I try to add 1 to counter_next. The moment channel_prev
rises, both counter_reg
and counter_next
become X (error) and turn red.
Your counter_reg
signal is assigned in two different processes. This is what we call a "multiple drive" situation. It is usually undesirable, just like any short circuit, because when the two processes disagree about the value to assign things are getting very bad.
Solution: drive your counter from one single process.
A bit more about this: if this is bad, why didn't you get an error when compiling or when launching your simulation? Because most people do not know or care about unresolved/resolved types in VHDL. By default, a VHDL type is unresolved. This means that, if you try to drive a signal of this type from more than one process you will get an error at compilation or elaboration time that basically says "I cannot decide what value to assign if your processes disagree, this is forbidden". And this is a very nice feature because such accidental short circuits can have serious consequences. You can try this and see the errors by replacing your unsigned
(resolved) counter by a natural
(unresolved) one:
signal counter_reg,counter_next : natural 0 to 2**16 - 1;
adapt the rest of your code, and see what happens when compiling.
Sometimes, rarely, it is useful to drive a signal from more than one process (high impedance shared bus, bi-directional RAM data bus...) So VHDL allows to define a resolution function that computes the resulting value of several drivers. This function can be used to define the resolved subtype of a unresolved parent type. If you can find the source code of ieee.std_logic_1164
you will see the declaration of the unresolved, 9-valued std_ulogic
type (u
for unresolved), the resolution function, and the declaration of the resolved subtype std_logic
(see? no u
But when using resolved types you must yourself take care of not creating short-circuits. There is no compiler error any more, no seatbelt. When one of your driving processes drives a strong value ('0' or '1'), all the others must drive a weak value ('Z' for high impedance). Else, you will get unknown resulting values, represented in red by Modelsim, as you saw.
Unfortunately, most people do not really know what the U
stands for in std_Ulogic
. So, in order to simplify they always use std_logic
instead of what they should use: std_ulogic
. Moreover, vendors of logic synthesisers push in the same direction because they frequently favour std_logic
(when they do not simply force you to use it). And the people who standardized the ieee.numeric_std
package did the same: they declared the unsigned
and signed
types as resolved types (if fact, they have the same declaration as std_logic_vector
). This is as unfortunate as driving full speed, at night, wearing sunglasses, without light and without your seatbelt fasten.
Finally, someone realized how unfortunate this was and the current version of ieee.numeric_std
now also declares UNRESOLVED_UNSIGNED (alias U_UNSIGNED) and UNRESOLVED_SIGNED (alias U_SIGNED). Alas, this is a bit too late, most designers will never change their existing code or habits, and I wonder how many bugs could have been avoided if the first choice had been different.
My advices:
from one single process, declare it as U_UNSIGNED
, and declare all your other signals as STD_ULOGIC