The problem is simple, There is some given 1D lines on a plane. We need to find the total size of space having at least one line.
Let me discuss this with an example image-
This may a case. Or
This may be a case or anything like this.
I know it is a basic problem of Sweep Line Algorithm.
But there is no proper document in the internet for it to understand properly.
The one best I have is a blog of Top Coder and that is here.
But it is not clear how to implement it or how may be the simulation.
If I want, we can do it in O(n^2) with 2 loops, but I can't realize how would be the procedure.
Or is there any better algorithm better than that O(n log n)?
Can anyone help me by sharing any Sudo Code or a simulation?
If Sudo code or example code is not available, a simulation for understanding is enough from where I can implement this.
Re- Problem calculating overlapping date ranges is not what I am looking because firstly, it is O(n^2) and so, it is not what I want. And it is not fully described like this question.
There is not so much info available for this topic.
So, I am sharing algorithm and a simulation with you which created by me for you and it is also with O(n log n) !!!!!
Let's start-
In your case, find the sum of all the elements of the array from 1 to end (index no 1 to m) and it is your answer.
But with this algorithm and array, you can easily have many more complex question answers like what is the length of space having 3 shadow = Arr3 and so on.
Now the question is what's about order, right?
So, Sorting = O(n log n) and sweeping = O(m) [m=no of action points, so m
So, total order is = O(n log n) + O(m) = O(n log n)
Think you can understand it easily and will be a great help for you and many others. And think you will be able to easily implement it.