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How to use saved variable values outside of gatling scenario in scala file

One of gatling get request is giving multiple string values and I am saving them using saveAs like this:

val scn = scenario("ReadLogs")

/* My scala code to achieve some requirements*/

I can see in log that "mList" is a vector which have my required string messages. I want to process those messages in my scala code. How to do that in simple way? I think if i can use "mList" variable outside scn scenario than things will move fine so i'll put this question more specific. How can i use "mList" variable in my scala code?


  • Coding the process logic in a separate execution step, and make sure it is executed after the data is fetched.

    val fetchLogs = exec(
    val processLogs = exec { s: Session =>
        val mList = s("mList").as[Seq[Any]]
        val result = ...
        s.set("processResult", result)
    val scn = scenario("ReadLogs").exec(

    Update: Save the data for later process

    var mList: Seq[String] = _    
    val fetchLogs = exec(
        .transform { v => mList = v; v } // save the data
    val scn = scenario("ReadLogs").exec(fetchLogs)
    after {
      // Process the data here. It will be executed when the simulation is finished.