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How Do I Replace The Tomcat Port Using Maven-Cargo?

I am using the maven cargo plugin to download tomcat as part of my build and put my war in the correct place. I then use maven assembly to zip it up and extract it all on the server.

Now I want to change the port number in the tomcat conf/server.xml using xmlReplacements.

This is an example of what I am doing but if you run it you will see that the server.xml in the target dir still says 8080.

Is my only option to keep a modified copy of the server.xml in the project and replace the whole file with that? Or am I not using this feature correctly? Or is it broken?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""



      <!--Create a war-->
        <!--This is an empty demo project-->
      <!--Create the Tomcat bundle with our war in it-->
            <!--containerId must be equal to one of the containers supported by Cargo -->
            <!--Allegedly change the port number-->


  • My problem was two-fold. I had the wrong home and the wrong phase. The short answer is I changed to this:

                <!--Change the port number-->

    Detail: I cloned the source to look at the samples then played spot the difference.

    When I changed the execution binding from the deploy phase to the configure phase it was complaining like this:

    [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:1.4.15:configure (cargo-deploy) on project question: Execution cargo-deploy of goal org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:1.4.15:configure failed: Failed to create a Tomcat 8.x standalone configuration: Invalid configuration dir [C:\Question\target/cargo/installs/tomcat-8.0.24/apache-tomcat-8.0.24]. When using standalone configurations, the configuration dir must point to an empty directory. Note that everything in that dir will get deleted by Cargo. -> [Help 1]

    Then I noticed that the samples had a tomcat-base dir for home. When I changed that (instead of pointing to the cargo install) it finally worked!

    However, I should note that more than the port is different in the server.xml. Formatting and ordering of some other attributes are different too.